I recently authored a book about Multi-Dimensionality. I called it EARTH GAME The Next Level. I was (and remain) mindful that many (and perhaps most) people in the world pay relatively little attention to metaphysics or spirituality – let alone the study of “Multi-Dimensionality” in that context. To use the terminology adopted in my book, those people are playing the game “Inside the Jar”. That is, they are caught up in the illusions of Spacetime, mostly oblivious to the Multi-Dimensional aspects of Earth Game. There is nothing to be judged about that, but the limitations are obvious enough.
Yes, some leading-edge physicists are drawn to the notion that dimensions beyond Spacetime may hold the solutions to perplexing riddles about relativity vis-à-vis quantum mechanics, including in relation to black holes, dark matter and dark energy, quantum gravity, and other conundrums. But they remain for the most part focused on finding those dimensions by using tools available within Spacetime. Which is never going to happen.
As for the growing segment of the population who are interested in metaphysics and spirituality, it recently occurred to me in a much-too-cynical moment that many in that cohort are mostly looking for (i) healing of something or other, or (ii) predictions about the future. Not that there is anything wrong with looking for either of those things. But, that “Seeker’s Path” (as contrasted with an “Explorer’s Path”) is not particularly conducive to a deep dive into Multi-Dimensionality. And, the “market demand” (for lack of a better term) perhaps skews towards (i) spiritual “healers”, and (ii) fortune-tellers. Neither of which am I. Hmph, I thought to myself. Good thing I don’t actually need to sell anything to anyone, I then thought.
So, I suppose for the title of my book, I could have copied the title of a popular Netflix series that I recently enjoyed: Nobody Wants This. And yet, it seems to me that a deep dive into Multi-Dimensionality is exactly what anyone on a spiritual path ought to want. I will explain in this article why I believe that to be so.
The title of this article – “Why You Need Multi-Dimensionality” – is in one sense misleading. No neediness, in the sense of lack, is involved. You have Multi-Dimensionality, in spades. Your experience here in “Earth Game” is unavoidably Multi-Dimensional; through no means could you limit to the four dimensions of Spacetime your interactions with this reality. Rather, the reality around you is Multi-Dimensional. The variable is the degree of awareness of the Multi-Dimensional goings-on that are all around you. Most significantly, your awareness of the impact that your thoughts and beliefs and desires are having on the world of matter. And, your understanding of how it is that the “frequency” of your thoughts and reactions – what I have called your “Quantum Signal” – impacts what precipitates from the wavelike world of quantum possibility into the world of matter.
The clues are there, perceptible by your physical senses if you look closely enough. The entire field of quantum physics points towards something going on in our reality that is beyond the four dimensions of Spacetime. And yes, the clues are tucked away so as to make for a scintillating “escape room” experience. But you can make your escape whenever you are ready. You can play the game “Outside the Jar”; you can consciously add to your toolbox the Multi-Dimensionality that lies beyond four-dimensional Spacetime.
To recap (from EARTH GAME The Next Level), dimensions beyond the physical (i.e., beyond four-dimensional Spacetime) are in the realm of consciousness, of thought. The arrow of causation works from those dimensions into the physical. Yes, it can loop back around; if you don’t like what you are seeing in your physical world, you may think low-vibration thoughts that order up more of the same (or worse). But the causation is always “As above, so below”. Thoughts become things, not the other way around.
There is an important parallel to be grasped here. In quantum physics, we never actually perceive with our physical senses or measuring devices the quantum goings on. Rather, we see the results. That is, we can perceive, and measure, the particles that result when the quantum waves collapse (i.e. the “Observer Effect”). Likewise with entanglement; we don’t see it happening, and we don’t even know how it happens, but we know entanglement when we see it. The parallel is your own Multi-Dimensional interactions, i.e., your thoughts. You can’t perceive or measure your thoughts. But the feeling generated by your thoughts gives you an immediate and 100% reliable indication of the quality of your thoughts – and thus their likely impact in the quantum world.
If, contrary to the truths I hold dear, there were no Multi-Dimensionality – i.e., if Spacetime were the only reality – think what would follow from that. You would be in the terrain that “Materialists” swear by. It occurs to me that, in that terrain, there is no story arc. Not for Earth, and not for you. Without Multi-Dimensionality to hold the narrative and record the experience, there would be a gaping void; no grand and ever-evolving story could be tucked away in the particles of matter. Thus, no plan, no great unfolding. Merely stumbling along, without a plot, mostly without a clue. Leaving you to somehow construct some sort of meaning out of meaninglessness and random chaos. Well, Multi-Dimensionality is your way out of that dour existence.
Moreover, Multi-Dimensionality is how you access true empowerment in a world that only appears to be a world of matter. To illustrate, let me come back to healing and “fortune telling” for a moment.
Healing: you want someone to do it for you. Charting a course for the future: you want someone to tell you where you should go. But surely the masters have always counseled a more empowered path: you do it; the power is within you; heal yourself; find your own way. You can’t do that just by having someone else dive into the Multi-Dimensional on your behalf. To be sure, others who have developed skill in such matters may be able to help guide you into the Multi-Dimensional. But once you are there, it is mostly up to you. And surely, you wouldn’t have it any other way. This is your “escape room” adventure. You want to find the clues, make the discoveries, find the doorways yourself. Not that there is anything wrong with enlisting others to point you in the direction of the clues. But your life is your mystery to solve. This is your adventure.
As for the allure of “fortune telling”, it is understandable to seek reassurance by having someone tell you what will happen next. But that is a mostly disempowered perspective, relative to any notion that you are actively participating in creating your reality. Through your thoughts, your beliefs, your desires; and also through your self-imposed limitations. Yes, there is a “story arc”; there is an ever-unfolding story, of humanity on Earth, and there is the story of you within that sea of humanity. But free will is real; you are an active participant in the crafting of your story – and to whatever extent, in the crafting of the story of humanity on Earth.
Again, I am not saying don’t avail yourself of the very real skills of those who can guide you towards healing and help you see probable futures. But also take a step forward of your own. If you can partner with those with Multi-Dimensional acuity, that can be a path of empowerment. But you can’t just contract it out.
Without Multi-Dimensionality, you are alone. Yes, the mutual advantages of cooperation are easy enough to see, even when one is self-limited to Spacetime. However, alliances forged solely within Spacetime can be as transitory as those within the television series Survivor. They are arrangements of convenience, to be discarded the moment that they no longer present an advantage. With only the rules of Spacetime as your guide, your interactions with others will ultimately be opportunistic. To that end, you will need to manipulate them to your advantage. You will have two tools of persuasion: the carrot and the stick. Yes, persuading through logic and reason is also an option, but we all know how surprisingly ineffective that usually is. So, it mostly comes down to bribing or bullying. We see that reflected in politics that come down to either bribing voters with their own money or else instilling them with a motivating fear. But a similar hollowness will afflict human interactions at all levels.
Thankfully, life on Earth is nowhere near that cynical or that hollow. But that is because we are operating at a Multi-Dimensional level far more than we admit to ourselves. We do sense connection all around us; we do care; we love. We love our families, our children, our communities, our countries, animals, plants, the Earth itself. All of this ameliorates, softens, the dog-eat-dog world that can otherwise take hold. And every time we feel love for anyone or anything, we are touching the Multi-Dimensional.
Love, in essence, is sensed connection. You cannot find it in the particles of Spacetime. Yes, there are biochemical processes that are caused by love. But to see those biochemical processes as somehow being or generating what we feel as love is to get the sequencing backwards. (Brain activity is the consequence of thought; not the other way around.) Every time you feel even a scintilla of love, even if only fleetingly, you are touching the Multi-Dimensional. And it feels good, doesn’t it?
The illusion of separation is confined to four-dimensional Spacetime. In the Multi-Dimensional realities beyond Spacetime, there is no hiding of the truth that everything is connected, everything (and everyone) is an emanation of Source/God. That truth will at first come in as a trickle, then a flow, and eventually the tap will be wide open. In the Multi-Dimensional, love abounds; it is the natural state. Because the truth of connectedness is unassailable.
As your worldview becomes increasingly Multi-Dimensional – i.e., as your awareness grows – your interactions with all others becomes increasingly rooted in your commonality with them. The connections are real, immutable; you are all of the One. Deliberately harming your fellow adventurer within Earth Game becomes progressively more unthinkable. Even in the intractable domain of politics, the question shifts; from how can my side win out over the other side, to what can we come up with that improves things for all.
Looking at the current state of the world (I am thinking of wars and the like), perhaps there actually is a “need” for greater awareness of Multi-Dimensionality. Something has to change, doesn’t it? Just a touch of sensed connection among the masses of humanity could shift the balance. And, as noted, with Multi-Dimensional awareness, that sensed connection is inevitable.
Beyond sensed connection – that is, love – there are innumerable other reasons to pursue greater awareness of the Multi-Dimensional reality all around you. One reason is that the great leap forward in health that awaits us will be sourced not in improved four-dimensional technologies, but rather through doorways into Multi-Dimensionality. Spacetime invariably winds down, dies. Whereas Multi-Dimensionality, in contrast, seems somehow immortal. Yes, that sounds like hyperbole, and maybe it is. But that is how Multi-Dimensionality feels. There is a timelessness, an eternal flow, to it. You should want that feeling.
As for how to access the Multi-Dimensional, well, I wrote a book about that, and I won’t attempt to encapsulate it here. Other than to offer this affirmation as a “cheat code” that will always point you in the direction of Multi-Dimensionality: I am Source/God having an adventure, playing a game, weaving a story; I am an actor in a divine play – and so is everyone else I encounter. Call that “apotheosis” if you must; but it is the truest statement I know. And it cannot be squeezed into the constraints of Spacetime. To even contemplate that notion, you must slip “Outside the Jar”, to touch the Multi-Dimensional.
Far from being an intellectual flight of fancy, a Multi-Dimensional outlook is the ultimate game-changer within “Earth Game”. Technically, you do not “need” that to continue on as a player within Earth Game. But you do need it to play the game at a new level. Where there is more empowerment, more joy, more fun, and of course, more love. Growing your Multi-Dimensional awareness is your ticket to mastery. If you feel you are still waiting for your real life to begin, then consider leaping headlong through the doorway of Multi-Dimensional awareness. Up to you to decide if that is something you “need” right now.