About My Books

My first book, Earth Game: The Evolution of Consciousness was published in 2021. My second book, EARTH GAME The Next Level was published in 2024. You can find both books (and a fuller description of the books) on Amazon via the links below.

Both books are about the nature of reality – including who you are, why you are here, and how you might have an increasingly wonderful adventure here in “Earth Game”. My first book introduced the notion that you are “Source/God” having an adventure, playing a game, weaving a story. My second book is a deeper dive into all that, including the intricacies of “Multi-dimensionality” beyond the four dimensions of Spacetime.

Each book is available in paperback format, or e-book (Kindle).

Earth Game Book Cover Final

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Earth Game: The Evolution of Consciousness – paperback version

Earth Game: The Evolution of Consciousness – Kindle version

Earth Game The Next Level Book Cover V2

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EARTH GAME The Next Level – paperback version

EARTH GAME The Next Level – Kindle  version

Note that you can convert, for free, a Kindle-formatted electronic book to the more universal ePub format if you use a Kobo, iPad, Nook, or other device to read your e-books.